Courage and Honor

Friday, September 2, 2011

AWC Round 4 ( Nova Prep)

Here is a quick post to get the timeline and nova prep out and rolling. I have realized while writing all my post for Nova that I need to get better with pictures, so sorry for the few and poor ones I will post up in this series of posts.
Well I did not quite get all the models I am was planning on taking to the Nova Open completed for this tournament, so I inserted Sternguard in place of three attack bikes, no worries. I was really excited to run the bulk of the army at this tournament as it was being run as a Nova prep, using the Nova primer missions. Unlike the tournaments run here in Chicago, the Nova mission have three objectives as the local tournaments do, but instead of weighting all the objectives equally, they are set in a primary, secondary, tertiary format. A change of mind set was needed, and this tournament was going to do it for me.
I wont go into massive detail about the games and the tournament in general, because my focus was to get my mind set ready to play Nova missions, and boy did I need it. I lost all of my games in the tournament, not because of the army, it actually did really well, and every game came down to the last turn; I felt really good about that. I however caught myself in each of the games playing to every objective and not the primary. I felt by the end of the tounament that I was in the right mind set,. so yea AWC 4.
I played A solid chaos army in round one, we played a kill point game , and did a lot of jockeying for position, in the end he beat me by one Kill pint at the bottom of round 6. Round two was a great game against IG. We went round and round and again the bottom of turn 6 saw me lose the game. In the third round I was I played another Space Marine player and I got crushed, I could not hurt Iron Clad Dreadnoughts. every game was great and I learned a lot about playing the missions. I do feel that if I would have played the missions better I would have won the first two games, but oh well. Off I went to finish some attach bikes and keep a close eye on a hurricane. I will post up my Nova download tomorrow.

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